With our hearts in South Africa and our feet in Melbourne, we discovered the nutritional joy of freshly milled nut butter, while on an earnest journey to use plant-based whole foods to heal my husband from cancer.
Fresh nut butter became a part of our daily diet used mostly in our morning smoothies or as a treat on freshly baked sourdough. My eyes were opened to this superfood and how versatile it was to pack protein and other nutrients into our diet.
A year before we headed home to our farm in South Africa, and with this valuable knowledge in mind, the Nut Mill was born.
Before we left Australia to return to South Africa, we ordered a solid, robust, tabletop nut mill to start the dream of a nut butter business and making people aware of the benefits of natural nut butters.
Just after my mill arrived, my husband lost his fight with cancer and I was left to fulfil this dream on my own…which was the toughest part of my journey.
Zoe and Paul Walters from Wedgewood gave me the break I needed. They took a chance on me with their luxury nougat brand. My journey with Wedgewood began on 26 October 2020.
It took me 6 months to build up the confidence to finally launch my own brand, The Nut Mill. This came after many long conversations, testing new recipes and taking a deep breath to put into action what Matt and I had created from our home in Melbourne.
Working out of my cottage kitchen and roasting out of the ovens of Wild Bread, through the kindness and generosity of owner Paul Hildyard, I slowly moved my product into the Hilton and Midlands market with. Alexa from the Nectar Co being my first customer. She has since remained a solid mentor and friend. I had much fun experimenting with flavours…my rich roast macadamia butter was created by chance and my mac and seed was made in a quest to recreate my favourite Aussie seed butter.
I wanted to create a completely natural and healthy product but realised that I would need my own label to achieve that. Leezl from Graphic Girl Design then came on board and her long and patient journey with me began.
I love colour! It makes me happy! And at the point, I needed all the happiness I could find. My favourite Melbourne tea brand, Pukka, was my inspiration…a kaliedesope of colour on the shelves…eye-catching…happy…just perfect!
I soon realised I was outgrowing my kitchen and needed more space for my nut butters. Somewhere with good space and energy, and with a view of my beautiful Midlands farm and Nguni cattle.
My barn conversion began in March 2022 and took 7 months to complete with the help of my good friends, Eben and Darren.
I now have a place I love to work in, surrounded by my family, friends and animals. It is calming and allows for creativity and passion to flow. A space for me to grow my vision.
People ask why I’m so comfortable sharing my recipes with them and if it’s really worth my while doing this all myself. My answer is simple. Yes! The more people are recognizing the importance of clean eating and nutrition, the happier I am.
Whether you choose to enjoy my nut butters, or others, that’s ok because you have made the healthier choice for your body, lowering the risk of lifestyle illnesses. In that, I have achieved my goal!
I am excited about what I have achieved with the Nut Mill so far in fulfilling my dream from Melbourne. I have an even bigger vision going forward including new products and partnerships, but I’m a firm believer in growing things slowly and organically, like all the trees planted on my farm, with patience, love, time …and colour.
I could not have got this far on my journey without the constant love and encouragement from my family and friends, and now Londi who has recently joined me.
Be brave…have courage…and think abundance!
With love
Pauline and the Nut Mill team